Fájl |
Megnevezés |
Fenntarthatósági jelentés vizsgálata - Gyakorlati példák és annak melléklete (H+H Annual Report 2023) |
Fenntarthatósági jelentés könyvvizsgálata - A vállalati fenntarthatósági jelentéstétel alapjai |
Segédanyag 1 - Correspondence between the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the disclosure recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) |
Segédanyag 2 - Draft Commission Notice on the interpretation of certain legal provisions in Directive 2013/34/EU (Accounting Directive), Directive 2006/43/EC (Audit Directive), Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 (Audit Regulation), Directive 2004/109/EC (Transparency Directive), Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2772 (first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards “first ESRS delegated act”), and Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation “SFDR”) as regards sustainability reporting |
Segédanyag 3 - ESRS Implementation Q&A Platform – Compilation of Explanations
Segédanyag 4 - TNFD - ESRS - Correspondence mapping
Segédanyag 5 - CEAOB non-binding guidelines on limited assurance on sustainability reporting - DRAFT |
Segédanyag 6 - EFRAG IG 2: Value Chain Implementation Guidance |
Segédanyag 7 - EFRAG IG 3 - List of ESRS Data Points |
Segédanyag 8 - EFRAG - STATE OF PLAY AS OF Q2 2024 - Implementation of ESRS : Initial Observed Practices from Selected Companies |
Segédanyag 9 - Annual report 2023 - H+H |
Segédanyag 10 - EFRAG IG 1: Materiality Assessment Implementation Guidance |
Segédanyag 11 - Interoperability mapping between the GRI Standards and the TNFD Disclosure Recommendations and metrics |